IUT d'Aubière - Clermont-Ferrand - France
June 19-21, 2006

ADAMOWICZ Zofia - (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw) Some Results in Bounded Arithmetic based on a technique derived from the Herbrand Theorem (a survey)

BOURNEZ Olivier - (INRIA/LORIA, Nancy, France) Modèles de calculs à temps continu

CORDÓN-FRANCO Andrès - (University of Sevilla, Spain) On the Schemes of Induction and Collection up to Definable Elements (joint work with A. FERNÁNDEZ-MARGARIT & Francisco Félix LARA-MARTÍN)

DALMAU Victor - (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain) Constraint Satisfaction, Logic, and Dualities

D'AQUINO Paola - (Seconda Università di Napoli, Naples, Italy) Strong initial segments of models of IΔ0 (joint work with Julia KNIGHT)

DIMITRACOPOULOS Costas - (University of Athens) Σn Collection vs. Δn Induction

GRIGORIEFF Serge - (LIAFA, Université Paris VII, France) De l'indécidable à l'aléatoire

GRZEGORCZYK Andrzej - (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw) Théorie de textes comme une base adéquate de l'étude d'indécidabilité, sans usage de l'arithmétique

HAINRY Emmanuel - (INPL/LORIA, Nancy, France) General Purpose Analog Computers are as powerful as Computable Analysis

KISIELEWICZ Andrjez - (University of Wroclaw, Poland) First-Order Definability in Lattices

KOLODZIEJCZYK Leszek A. - (Institute of Mathematics, Warsaw University) Some Results on Weak Consistency Statements in Weak Theories

LARA-MARTÍN Francisco Félix - (University of Sevilla, Spain) Conservation Results for Induction and Collection Schemes in First-Order Arithmetic (joint work with Andrés CORDÓN-FRANCO & A. FERNÁNDEZ-MARGARIT)

OJAKIAN Kerry - (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon) Bounded Arithmetic with Bounded Finite Types

PIOTRÓW Marek - (University of Wroclaw, Poland) Faster Merging Networks with Constant Periods (joint work with Michał JAROS)

RICHARD Denis - (University of Clermont 1, France) Opening Talk

ZDANOWSKI Konrad - (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw) On provability of Herbrand Consistency in Weak Arithmetics (joint work with Zofia ADAMOWICZ)

JAF25/CMF2006: Clermont-Ferrand (France), June 2006