Lisbonne - Portugal June 6-7, 2016

BAHRAMI Saeideh Haji (Tarbiat Modares University - Iran) - The germomorphism group of a model of arithmetic

BLANCK Rasmus (University of Gothenburg - Sweden) - A characterisation of Π1-conservativity over IΣ1

ENAYAT Ali (University of Gothenburg - Sweden) - Playing with Fire: Interpreting PA with a full satisfaction predicate within PA

ESBELIN Henri-Alex (Clermont Université - France) - Word problem vs modular counting in Δ0

FERNÁNDEZ-DUQUE David (Centre International de Mathématiques et d’Informatique de Toulouse - France) - From weak to strong arithmetic via reflection

GARLIK Michał (University of Warsaw - Poland) - Bounded arithmetic and a restricted reduced product construction

GODZISZEWSKI Michał (University of Warsaw - Poland) - Short elementary cuts in recursively saturated models of arithmetic

JEŘÁBEK Emil (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences - Czech Republic) - Diophantine formulas

JOOSTEN Joost (Universitat de Barcelona - Spain) - Characterizations of interpretability in bounded arithmetic long version published in proceedings

LOUREIRO Manuel (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias - Portugal) - On the reverse mathematics of Lipschitz and Wadge determinacy

MILCHIOR Arthur (Université Paris 7 - IRIF - France) - Undecidability of satisfiability of expansions of FO[<] over words with a FO[+]-definable set

OITAVEM Isabel (Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Portugal) - Applicative theories for the polynomial hierarchy of time and its levels

THAPEN Neil (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences - Czech Republic) - A feasible set theory

WONG Tin Lok (Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic – University of Vienna - Austria) - Upgrading the arithmetized completeness theorem

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