Kenza BENJELLOUN (Geoscience University of Trieste), Infinite Time Turing Machines for elementary proofs on recursive reals (joint work with Bruno DURAND, Université de Montpellier, France) abstract - slides
Azza GAYSIN (Passau, Germany) Proof complexity of a CSP dichotomy proof abstract - slides
Irène GUESSARIAN (IRIF, Paris, France) Affine completeness of some free binary algebras (joint work with André ARNOLD (Université de Bordeaux, France) and Patrick CÉGIELSKI, Université Paris XII, France) abstract - slides
Ondřej JEŽIL (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic), Primes, feasible computation and reasoning (joint work with Raheleh JALALI, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic) abstract - slides
Quentin LE HOUÉROU (Université Paris XII, France) Π04-conservation of Ramsey's theorem for pairs (joint work with Ludovic LEVY PATEY and Keita YOKOYAMA) abstract - slides
Ahmed MIMOUNI (Université Paris XII, France) The weakness of the Erdös-Moser theorem under arithmetic reductions (joint work with Ludovic LEVY PATEY) abstract - slides
Moritz MÜLLER (University of Passau, Germany), On the parameterized complexity of Δ0-truth (joint work with Yijia CHEN and Keita YOKOYAMA) abstract - slides
Mykyta NARUSEVYCH (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic), Independence of the MIN principle from the PHP principle over bounded arithmetic abstract - slides